About IHSAA & HeadStrong

Updated: August 6, 2018

The Iowa High School Athletic Association and its title sponsor, the Iowa Farm Bureau, are proud to have secured the HeadStrong Concussion Insurance program again for the 2019-20 school year.

HeadStrong provides “first-dollar” insurance coverage for all students (males and females) in grades 9-12 participating in the practice or play of interscholastic boys’ sports sanctioned by the IHSAA. These include: baseball, basketball, bowling, cheerleading (non-competition), cross country, football, golf, soccer, swimming, tennis, track and field, and wrestling.

The Iowa Farm Bureau is sponsoring the premium expense for every IHSAA participant in the program. Coverage will run from August 1, 2019 to August 1, 2020.  The insurance carrier for this policy is Nationwide Life Insurance Company, with K&K Insurance serving as a third-party administrator.

HeadStrong was developed by Dissinger Reed Insurance to insure student-athletes from the high cost of concussion treatment and potential neurological follow-up. It provides student-athletes with $0 deductible and $0 co-pay coverage for concussion assessment and treatment, and serves as a secondary or excess policy to other primary and collectable insurance. It will become the primary payor if no other insurance is available.

In 2018, the Iowa became one of seven states with high school athletic associations providing HeadStrong coverage for 100% of its participants, joining Arizona, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.


To file a claim, participants should:

1. Fill out an INCIDENT REPORT FORM that must be signed by a school administrator, ideally one present at the time of the accident. Whenever possible, this should be submitted prior to treatment from a provider or specialist.

2. Complete the OTHER INSURANCE QUESTIONNAIRE to be submitted along with the Incident Report. This can help ensure prompt claims payment, and minimizes future paperwork for student-athletes and their families, even if there is no existing primary insurance or the primary insurance denies or does not cover a provider.

3. Print and fill out a PROVIDER LETTER that will simplify the billing and payment process for providers or specialists upon arrival.

4. Review the PROGRAM GUIDE or FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS for more information.

For more information on claims and coverage, please contact the policy’s broker, Dissinger Reed.

Web: www.dissingerreed.com

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 913.491.6385

Address: Dissinger Reed, 8700 Indian Creek Parkway, Overland Park, KS 66210