Wednesday, January 9, 2008


     Note: Bud will be out of the office until Monday, Jan. 14. Dual meet scores sent for meets Thursday, Friday, and Saturday will be posted when he returns.


B-G-M, Brooklyn 54, Lynnville-Sully 21

B-G-M, Brooklyn 63, Montezuma 16

Clear Creek-Amana 63, Regina, Iowa City 16

Durant 50, West Liberty 30

Iowa Valley/HLV 55, Tri-County, Thornburg 9

Iowa Valley/HLV 66, North Mahaska, New Sharon 6

Lynnville-Sully 66, Montezuma 10

Mount Vernon 62, Tipton 10

Mount Vernon 76, Mid-Prairie, Wellman 3

Tipton 46, Mid-Prairie, Wellman 13

Tri-County, Thornburg 24, North Mahaska, New Sharon 6

West Branch 45, Solon 33

West Branch 43, Solon 28

Williamsburg 50, West Liberty 18

Williamsburg 64, Clear Creek-Amana 9

Williamsburg 72. Regina, Iowa City 12

Wilton 59, West Liberty 18